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Article Submission Guidelines

admin 19 Feb 14, 11:45 PM
Company or business owner can submit their company or business profile, news, press releases, events, product descriptions, reviews, manual, guides or other vital information of your business. If you are a writer or an expert of a certain field you can submit your article here, share your knowledge and feel free to put your website or blog link.
Please make sure that your article will follow to the guidelines listed below, admin and moderators of this website have the right to reject or remove articles if your article fail to follow the guidelines.

Writer Guidelines
  • Post must be unique and not copy/pasted.
  • Write at least one paragraph introduction of your topic before writing the article body.
  • Article body must contain at least 400 words
  • You must add images to your post to make it attractive. Use only images that are not copyrighted. You can add up to 5 images (click + button).
  • Add keywords that may use to find your article through search engine
  • Do not quote more than two (2) sentences from other website.

Within 12 hours period your article will be reviewed and publish if it is approved. You can submit article as many as you want as long as it follows the guidelines.
Category: How-to Guides | Added by:
Views: 1669 | | Rating: 5.0/1
